The choices for private education in the Charlotte area are numerous. At Northside Christian Academy we purposefully blend a large campus feel with a small educational setting, superior academics, sports, fine arts, and a strong Biblical worldview.
Northside Christian Academy is a private Christian school serving grades Kindergarten through 12th grade.
It is located in Charlotte, North Carolina. It is accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, AdvancED and the North Carolina Association of Christian Schools.
The school was founded in 1961 as a ministry of Northside Baptist Church. The school mascot is the Knight and sports teams are known as the Knights
Northside Christian Academy is a private Christian school serving grades Kindergarten through 12th grade.
The vision of Northside Christian Academy is to produce students who will be life-long learners who actively pursue Christ-likeness as they serve and lead their homes, careers, churches, and communities.
The mission of Northside Christian Academy is to partner with families in providing a Christ-centered, biblically based education in pursuit of excellence while producing students who will be life-long learners actively pursuing Christ-likeness as they serve and lead their homes, careers, churches and communities.
Northside Christian Academy strives to continue to be a relevant influencing institution in the educational endeavors of the community we serve. From our Pre-K to 12 all the way to our alumni.
Because the enemies of good never sleep, our mission is to continually stay engaged with the community we serve. Even after graduation, our alumni are still in contact as we may be of continues service.
We believe Christian parents are looking for a special type of teacher, one we call the Living Curriculum. Parents understand these teachers will have awesome responsibilities and opportunities to shape their children’s lives. But how do we identify a Living Curriculum Teacher?
First of all, there is no prototype. They come with different personalities from different types of families. They were raised in the different environments in different parts of the world. They attended different colleges or universities and enjoy different styles of worship. Today, they are a wonderful mix of people rooted in Evangelical Christianity but with different heritages and different experiences.
We are passionately committed to providing Living Curriculum Teachers for Northside Christian Academy parents and their students.
The Honor Code calls for students to be truthful in their dealings with the faculty, staff, and administration; to submit academic work that is fully their own; and to maintain possession of only those belongings to which they are rightfully entitled. Violations of the Honor Code are lying, cheating, and stealing-in any form and to any degree.
The Pledge: I do solemnly pledge my honor that as long as I am a member of Northside Christian Academy, I will faithfully uphold the principles of the Honor Code, will cherish and guard its traditions, and will respect and observe its requirements, I make this pledge in view of God and the pledges of the students and faculty, which signifies our mutual Trust and Resolve to keep our honor secure.
Northside Christian Academy is a private Christian school. We are known for our emphasis on the 4 A’s: academics, athletics, the arts, and attitude. Our goal is to provide a quality, well-rounded education in a fun, Christ-centered environment.
333 Jeremiah Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28262
Main School Offices:
704 596-4074
704 599-9015